Member Area
This area is reserved for members. It gives access to private and confidential discussions between members of this open innovation community dedicated to individual and collective health. It facilitates networking between members, and provides answers to questions from members, external partners and even individuals and organizations who want to know more about HID.
This members’ area goes beyond discussions, reflections and proposed solutions. It allows you to participate in HID projects and help create synergy around them. This community of innovation in life sciences, technologies and population health enables us to develop multiple, combined solutions for each project. This synergy is further enhanced by the creation of a network between members, based on the expertise and fields of interest of each of them, and facilitated by the person in charge of this community, depending on the subject. This unique approach to collaborative participation between researchers, teachers, managers, administrators, patients and citizens breaks down silos and creates a collaborative space based on trust.
The results of this multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral contribution create social value by proving the concept of the solutions implemented for the population, and contribute to the economic development of the people and organizations involved in the development of these innovations, through the commercialization of the community’s products.
We look forward to welcoming you to our community.
Fabrice Brunet
Dear QIS members,
The exchanges we have in our innovation community aim to better understand the needs of the population, both sick and healthy, and to improve the responses of healthcare organizations and systems. These exchanges will take place in this members-only space to create multiple synergies to accelerate and amplify the implementation of innovations and demonstrate their value. We use a variety of methods to help projects move forward, including focus groups, expert panels, evidence reviews, communities of practice and innovation.
Exchanges take place in the physical spaces of QIS or virtually via our digital hub, which also enables us to connect with other innovation hubs located in other countries. The projects are supported by a project management team using methods adapted to each one, including the measurement of their value to prove their concept and facilitate their valorization.
Several themes and projects are already underway to improve understanding of population needs, optimize the response of existing healthcare resources, and define new learning healthcare systems.
You’ll find an example of the state of progress of a community of practice we’ve created to better understand the interactions between the use of disruptive technologies, brought together under the term Metaverse, and people’s health – physical, mental, and social, including diversity.
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In the various projects that QIS develops, it often joins forces with partners to broaden knowledge and benefit from additional expertise to meet a given need. Partners have access to all exchanges concerning the project(s) in which they participate. However, unlike members, partners do not have access to other themes developed by QIS members. Partners can become members at any time.
Our partners